Terms encountered on our website
-Lack of oxygen to the brain.
- Atmospheres absolute. One ATA is sea level.
Atmospheric pressure
- Pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere. Mean value is one atmosphere at sea level and reduces with increasing altitude.
Barometeric pressure
- Same as atmospheric pressure.
Decompression sickness DC
- Caused by the release usually of nitrogen as it leaves its dissolved form throughout the body upon a rapid decrease in barometric pressure (rapid ascent of a diver from a deep dive or the rapid ascent of a pilot to high altitudes in a poorly pressurized aircraft) -M-Webster
- Acronym for Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy.
High pressure oxygen
-Hyperbaric oxygen.
- Literally, "high pressure."
Hyperbaric oxygen
- Oxygen at a higher than normal atmospheric pressure.
-Having a specific gravity less than that of cerebrospinal fluid — hypobaric solutions are used for spinal anesthesia.
-Lack of oxygen to tissues.
Idling neurons
-Metabolicly lethargic, electrically non-functional - but viable in the ischemic penumbra because of critical low tissue oxygen availability. By correcting oxygen deficiencies, idling neurons may be "jump-started" to regain electrical function.
- Limited flow of blood to a body part due to obstruction of arterial blood supply.
Ischemic penumbra
- A surrounding zone of tissue, less affected by hypoxia, where sufficient oxygen is available to these cells to maintain membrane ion pump mechanisms, but not enough for them to generate current and therefore function as neurons.
- A nerve cell, the basic unit of the nervous system which sends messages by electrical current from body to brain to body.
Recoverable brain
- Brain cells (neurons) and function recovered after long-term injury, with late intensive neurorehabilitation and high-dose oxygen.
SPECT scan
-Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography, a type of scan which identifies potential areas recoverable brain tissue and can measure the changes after high-dose oxygen therapy.
-Transient Ischemic Attack, or ministroke, due to cerebral ischemia. May herald a stroke.
- Traumatic Brain Injury