Neubauer RA, End E. Scuba diving with MS. Physician and Sportsmen. 6: 13; Feb, 1978.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen and leg ulcers (letter). JAMA. 239(14): 1393; Apr 3, 1978.
Neubauer RA. Common misconceptions about hyperbaric oxygen. Med Tribune. 19(18): 7-8; May 1O, 1978.
End E, Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygenation (letter). Am Family Physician. 18(2): 23,26; Aug 1978.
Neubauer RA. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with monoplace hyperbaric oxygen. J Fla Med Assn 65:1O1, 1978.
Neubauer RA. Baromedicine (letter). MD Med Newsmag. 22: 24; Sept 1978.
Neubauer RA, End E. Hyperbaric oxygen (editorial). Am Family Physician. 19(3): 92-4; Mar 1979.
Neubauer RA, Schnell R, Goldberg GS. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with monoplace hyperbaric oxygen. 4th Annual Conference on Clinical Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Long Beach, CA, June, 1979.
Neubauer RA. Carbon Monoxide and hyperbaric oxygen (letter). Arch Intern Med. 139(7): 829; Jul 1979.
Neubauer RA, End E. Treatment of organic brain syndrome with hyperbaric oxygen. Fourth Ann Conf. Clin. Appl. HBO, Long Beach, CA; 7-9; 1979.
Neubauer RA. Exposure of multiple sclerosis patients to hyperbaric oxygen at 1.5 – 2 ATA. J Fla Med Assn 67: 498-505; (May) 1980.
Neubauer RA, Kuhn MAR. Observations on urologic data, including cystometrograms, on 38 multiple sclerosis patients exposed to hyperbaric oxygen at 1.5 to 2 ATA. Gulfstream Chapter Meeting Undersea Medical Society, Houston, TX, March, 198O.
Neubauer RA, End E. Hyperbaric oxygenation as an adjunct therapy in strokes due to thrombosis. A review of 122 patients. Stroke. 11(3): 297-3OO; May-Jun 198O.
Neubauer RA, End E. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in stroke. 5th Annual Conference on Clinical Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen. Long Beach, CA, June, 198O.
Neubauer RA, Gelety JE, Centrone RJ. rCBF studies before and after hyperbaric oxygen in neurological dysfunction using Xenon 133. 5th Annual Conference on Clinical Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Long Beach, CA, June 198O.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment and stroke (letter). JAMA 246(22): 2574; Dec 4, 1981.
Neubauer RA. Regional cerebral blood flow studies of the effect of hyperbaric oxygen in acute stroke and chronic neurologic deficits of stroke: 3O cases. In: Seventh Ann Conf. Clin. Appl. HBO; Anaheim, CA; June 9-11, 1982.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. A comparison of 3 groups totaling 6OO patients. Seventh Ann Conf Clin Appl HBO, Anaheim, CA, June 1982.
Neubauer RA. Call for clinical trials of HBO (letter). Med Trib. 23(2O): 23; Sep 29, 1982.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen in neurologic disorders. Keynote address: V Congresso Nazionale Medicina Subacquea a Iperbaric; Montecatini Terme 21-24, Ottobre 1982.
Neubauer RA. Long term effects of hyperbaric oxygen in multiple sclerosis. Eighth Annual Conference on Clinical Applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Long Beach, CA; June, 1983.
Neubauer RA. A summary of worldwide experience in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with hyperbaric oxygen. In: (Programs and Abstracts) First Europ. Conf. Hyperbaric Med. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 36; Sept 7-9, 1983.
Neubauer RA. Generalized small-vessel stenosis in the brain. A case history of a patient treated with monoplace hyperbaric oxygen at 1.5 to 2 ATA. Medicini Subacquea ed Iperbarica, Edizioni Minerva Med 74(35):2O51-5; Sept 15, 1983.
Neubauer RA. Exposure of multiple sclerosis patients to hyperbaric oxygen at 1.5 – 2 ATA: a preliminary report. J Fla Med Assn 198O;67:498-5O4.
Neubauer RA. HBO an open letter to all baromedical physicians. Pressure. 13(1); Feb. 1984. Neubauer RA. Protocols for hyperbaric oxygen in multiple sclerosis (letter). Brit Med J 288:1831-1832, (June 16), 1984.
Neubauer RA, Maxfield JR. Non-union fracture treated 33 months after injury with hyperbaric oxygen. Medicini Subacquea ed Iperbarica, Edizioni Minerva Medica 4(1): 23-26; Jun-Apr, 1984.
Neubauer RA. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on evoked potentials in neurological diseases including stroke and vegetative coma. Int. Meeting HBO, Long Beach, CA, Aug 1984.
Neubauer RA, Morariu A. The effects of hyperbaric oxygen on evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis patients. IX Conference on Clinical Application of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Acapulco, Mexico; 1984. Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen on magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis. Xth Congress of E.U.B.S.; Marseille, France, 1984.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy of multiple sclerosis. Medicini Subacquea ed Iperbarica, Edizioni Minerva Med 3(2) 79-87, 1984.
Neubauer RA. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on bladder sphincter control in multiple sclerosis. Medicini Subacquea ed Iperbarica, Edizioni Minerva Medica 3(2) 73-77, 1984.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen and multiple sclerosis (letter). Lancet. Apr. 6, 1985; 81O.
Neubauer RA, James PB. The treatment of focal edema in the central nervous system by hyperbaric oxygen demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging. International Symp. HBO in Critical Care Med., Eliat, Israel, June 3O-July 3, 1985.
Neubauer RA. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in multiple sclerosis as evaluated by nuclear magnetic resonance. X Cong. E.U.B.S., Marseille, France, 1985.
Neubauer RA, Morariu MA. Somatosensory evoked potentials before and after hyperbaric oxygen treatment in multiple sclerosis patients. XIII World Congress of Neur., Hamburg, Germany, Sept 1-6, 1985.
Neubauer RA, Morariu MA. Changes in the magnetic resonance imaging after hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis. XIIIth World Congress of Neur., Hamburg, Germany, Sept 1-6, 1985.
Neubauer RA. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen in prolonged coma. Possible identification of marginally functioning brain zones. Medicini Subacquea ed Iperbarica, Edizioni Minerva Medica 5(3): 75-79; Sep-Dec, 1985.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL. Pitfalls in the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Proceedings: 11th Ann Conf. Clin. Appl. of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Long Beach, CA: 49; June 9-13, 1986.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb S.F. Critique of recent studies in hyperbaric oxygen and multiple sclerosis. First Ann. Hyperbaric Med Symp. of Int. Foundation for Hyperbaric Med., Basle, Switzerland, Oct 13-14, 1986.
Neubauer RA, James PB, Gottlieb SF. A critique of recent studies of hyperbaric oxygen in multiple sclerosis patients. First Ann. Hyperbaric Med Symp. of Int. Foundation for Hyperbaric Med., Basle, Switzerland, Oct 13-14, 1986.
Neubauer RA. Magnetic resonance imaging and evoked potential recordings in multiple sclerosis patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy. First Ann. Hyperbaric Med Symp. of Int. Foundation for Hyperbaric Med., Basle, Switzerland, Oct 13-14, 1986.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy of vegetative coma patients. First Ann. Hyperbaric Med Symp. of Int. Foundation for Hyperbaric Med., Basle, Switzerland, Oct 13-14, 1986.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy of stroke. First Ann. Hyperbaric Med Symp. of Int. Foundation for Hyperbaric Med., Basle, Switzerland, Oct 13-14, 1986.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL. Alterations in nuclear magnetic imaging (NMI) in multiple sclerosis patients after hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Proceedings: 11th Ann Conf. Clin. Appl. of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Long Beach, CA: 54; June 9-13, 1986.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Critique of recent studies in hyperbaric oxygen and multiple sclerosis. Proceedings: 11th Ann Conf. Clin. Appl. of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Long Beach, CA: 53; June 9-13, 1986.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Current aspects of multiple sclerosis and hyperbaric oxygen I and II. 1987 Annual UMS/ Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting, Orlando, FL; March 2O-21, 1987.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen in certain function preservation and tissue repair. 1987 Spring Conf. Am. Coll. Advancement in Med., Orlando, FL; May 7-1O, 1987.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. HBO Rx MS: A viable therapy?. (Poster presentation), 1988 Annual UHMS Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 8, 1988.
Neubauer RA. Smoke inhalation injury. (Ltr). Postgraduate Medicine, Jan 1988.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for multiple sclerosis (Ltr.), Brit J of Neur, Neurosurg & Psychiatry, Mar., 1988.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Positive effects of hyperbaric oxygen in multiple sclerosis -double-blind and longitudinal data. XIIIth Annual meeting of the European Undersea Biomedical Society, Palermo, Italy, Sept. 9-12, 1987.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. A reappraisal. positive effects of hyperbaric oxygen in multiple sclerosis – double-blind and longitudinal data. Annual meeting, Gulf Coast Chapter, UHMS, April, 1987.
Neubauer RA. Neuroimmunologic and neurologic indications for hyperbaric oxygen. 1st Beinalle Del Mar, Int. Meeting of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, June 5-12, 1988, Naples, Italy.
Neubauer RA, James PB, Gottlieb SF. HBO Rx multiple sclerosis – A viable therapy? Proceedings 1988 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy of aseptic bone necrosis: a case study. (In press) Proceedings Annual Meeting, European Undersea Biomedical Society, Sept. 5-9, 1988, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Neubauer RA, Pinella J, Hill RK, Bright DE. The use of hyperbaric oxygen in the successful reanastomosis of the severed ear: three cases. (In press) Proceedings Annual Meeting, European Undersea Biomedical Society, Sept. 5-9, 1988, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen in neurology. Presented at: Inaugural meeting of the International Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, University of Oxford, Sept. 1-3, 1988.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Multiple Sclerosis: Its etiology, pathogenesis, and therapeutics with emphasis of the controversial use of HBO. J of Hyperbaric Med (3)5; 1988: 142-164.
Neubauer RA. Tissue healing and regeneration augmented by hyperbaric oxygen therapy. First International Conference of Bio-Oxidative Medicine, Dallas, Texas, Feb. 17-2O, 1989.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF. The use of hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of aseptic bone necrosis: A case study. Proceedings, 1989 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Ann. Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii; June 7-11, 1989.
Neubauer RA, Kagan SF, Gottlieb SF. Improved metabolism in marginal brain tissue by hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) as visualized by I-123-Iofetamine analysis. Proceedings, 1989 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Ann. Scientific Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii; June 7-11, 1989.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF. Use of hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of aseptic bone necrosis. A case study. J of Hyperbaric Med 4(2); June, 1989: 69-76.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF, James PB. A potential guide to therapy in CNS dysfunction – SPECT analysis, Iofetamine, hyperbaric oxygen. Proceedings 2nd International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine, Kos, Greece; September 13-15, 1989.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, James PB, Gottlieb SF. When is stroke completed? Demonstration of the ischemic penumbra. Proceedings 2nd International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine, Kos, Greece; September 13-15, 1989.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF, James PB. Reactivation of the ischemic penumbra, delayed metabolism, or reperfusion in CNS dysfunction following hyperbaric oxygen as demonstrated by SPECT. Proceedings 2nd International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine, Kos, Greece; September 13-15, 1989.
Gottlieb SF, Neubauer RA, James PB. Is hyperbaric oxygen a viable treatment for M.S.? Proceedings 2nd International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine, Kos, Greece; September 13-15, 1989.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF, James PB. When is stroke completed? Demonstration of the ischemic penumbra. Proceedings of XVth Annual Meeting EUBS 89 on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Israeli Navy Publications, Haifa, Israel, 1989: 224-23O.
Gottlieb SF, James PB, Neubauer RA. The evolving use of HBO in MS. Proceedings of XVth Annual Meeting EUBS 89 on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Israeli Navy Publications, Haifa, Israel, 1989: 231-236.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF, James PB. Delayed metabolism, reperfusion or redistribution in iofetamine brain imaging after exposure to hyperbaric oxygen: clinical correlations. Proceedings of XVth Annual Meeting EUBS 89 on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Israeli Navy Publications, Haifa, Israel, 1989: 237-243.
Neubauer RA, Kagan RL, Gottlieb SF, James PB. Delayed metabolism or reperfusion in brain imaging after exposure to hyperbaric oxygenation – a therapeutic indicator? (Poster) Proceedings of XVth Annual Meeting EUBS 89 on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Israeli Navy Publications, Haifa, Israel, 1989: 358-363.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen for acute carbon monoxide intoxication (letter). Lancet, 1989 (in press).
Hill RK, Jr., Bright DE, Neubauer RA. Use of hyperbaric oxygen in the reanastomosis of the severed ear: a review. J of Hyperbaric Med, 1989; (4)4: 163-176.
James PB, Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen in the management of multiple sclerosis. In: Jain KK (ed) Textbook of Hyperbaric Medicine. Hogrefe & Huber, Bern, Switzerland, 1990, pp 254-261.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Viability of the ischemic penumbra demonstrated by SPECT/HBO. Presented at: 1990 Joint Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine -International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine (Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society and European Undersea Biomedical Society) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 11-18, 1990.
Neubauer RA. Severe natural gas poisoning successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen – 2 years later. In: Abstracts from the Proceedings: 5th International Congress on Neurotoxicology and Occupational Neurology, Sept 24-27, 1990, Prague, Czechoslovakia: 10.
Neubauer RA. Carbon monoxide intoxication – an insidious CNS problem. In: Abstracts from the Proceedings: 5th International Congress on Neurotoxicology and Occupational Neurology, Sept 24-27, 1990, Prague, Czechoslovakia: 10
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen – central nervous system. Presented at: IXth Scientific Meeting of the Italian Society of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine. Lerici, Italy, Sept. 28-30, 1990.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. MS revisited: The truth emerges. Presented at: IXth Scientific Meeting of the Italian society of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine. Lerici, Italy, Sept. 28-30, 1990.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Varying pictures of stroke. Presented at: IXth Scientific Meeting of the Italian society of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine. Lerici, Italy, Sept. 28-30, 1990.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF, Kagan RL. Enhancing “idling” neurons. Lancet (Ltr.), Mar 3, 199O: 542. Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Stroke Treatment. Lancet (Ltr.), 337: 1601, June 29, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Neurologic applications of hyperbaric oxygen in closed head injury, vegetative coma and anoxic encephalopathies. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Distribution and/or marginal brain tissue with SPECT (I-123 Iofetamine) and HBO. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Multiple sclerosis. Long term evaluation. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. HBO in neurologic rationale. The Gottlieb evaluation scale. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Metabolic imaging: the ischemic penumbra. A therapeutic indicator. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. HBO in acute and chronic deficit of stroke. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Overall usage of HBO in neurologic diseases. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Anoxic/hypoxic encephalopathies: HBO therapy. Presented at: First Hispano-American Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Havana, Cuba, July 7-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF, Miale A. Imaging techniques in the evaluation of HBOT effects. In: Abstracts from the Proceedings World Meeting of Hyperbaric Medicine. International Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, Naples, 1991: 17-18.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. A theoretical comparison between organic pharmaceuticals and hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of brain injury. In: Abstracts from the Proceedings World Meeting of Hyperbaric Medicine. International Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, Naples, 1991: 51-52.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in unstable angina. In: Pallotta R (ed) Proceedings of the World Meeting of Hyperbaric Medicine. International Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, Naples, 1991 (in press).
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Radionuclide imaging techniques in the evaluation of HBOT effects. Proceeding of the XVII Annual Meeting of the European Undersea and Baromedical Society on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Crete, Greece, 1991 Sep 29-Oct 3: 269.
Neubauer RA. When is stroke completed? Demonstration of the ischemic penumbra. (poster) Presented at: PanEuropean Society of Neurology Second Congress, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 8-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA. Is there recoverable brain tissue in closed head injury? SPECT imaging, HBOT and clinical correlation. Presented at: PanEuropean Society of Neurology Second Congress, Vienna, Austria, Dec. 8-14, 1991.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Reversal of a dense, persistent, holohemispheric neurological deficit after an endarterectomy of the carotid artery: case report. Neurosurg (Ltr.) 30(2): 301-302, 1992.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF, Miale A, Jr.. Identification of hypometabolic areas in the brain using brain imaging and hyperbaric oxygen. J Clin Med, 17(6): 477-482. June, 1992.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy leading to recovery of a 6-week comatose patient afflicted by anoxic encephalopathy and posttraumatic edema. J of Hyperbaric Med (Ltr.), 7(1): 57-61, March 1992.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Interventional brain imaging; identification of idling neurons with hyperbaric oxygen. 1992 Gulf Coast Chapter Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting, San Antonio, TX, Mar 26-29, 1992.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Amelioration of long term head injuries with hyperbaric oxygen -documentation via SPECT brain imaging (poster).
1992 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Bethesda, Maryland, June 23-27, 1992.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Results of a prospective randomized trial treatment for severely brain-injured patients with hyperbaric oxygen (ltr.), J of Neurosurg, (in press. April, 1993).
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen, idling neurons, and stroke management. (ltr), J of Critical Illness 8(8), August, 1993.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen for brain injury. (ltr), J of Neurosurg. 78: 687-688, April 1993.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Hyperbaric oxygen in closed head injury. Southern Med J, 87(9): 933-936, Sept., 1994.
Neubauer RA, James PB. Free radicals and antioxidants. (ltr) Lancet, 344: 1440-1441, Nov. 19, 1994.
Neubauer RA. Prognosis in early stroke: SPECT scanning – hyperbaric oxygen. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Gulf Coast Chapter Annual Scientific Assembly, New Orleans, LA, March 30 – April 2, 1995.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Brain challenge – SPECT / hyperbaric oxygen. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Gulf Coast Chapter Annual Scientific Assembly, San Antonio, TX, March 21-24, 1996.
Neubauer RA. Visualization of recoverable brain tissue. Innovative Treatment Techniques for TBI Survivors, Coma Recovery Association, Uniondale, NY, May 10, 1996.
Neubauer RA. Brain challenge – SPECT/HBO – long term closed head injury. 20th Annual Postgraduate Course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult & Child. Williamsburg, VA, June 6-9, 1996.
Neubauer RA. Brain challenge – sequential SPECT scanning / HBOT – long-term stroke. 20th Annual Postgraduate Course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult & Child. Williamsburg, VA, June 6-9, 1996.
Neubauer RA. Sequential SPECT scanning in long term anoxic encephalopathy. XXII Annual Meeting of the European Underwater Baromedical Society, XII International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine, III Consensus Conference of the ECHM Joint Meeting, Milano, Italy, Sept. 4-8, 1996.
Neubauer RA. Pevsner NH. Visualization of reperfusion and/or recoverable brain. (1996) Proceedings of: Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine. Atlanta, GA: P-3: I.
Neubauer RA. Brain mapping in anoxic encephalopathy – SPECT / hyperbaric oxygenation. 2nd Annual Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Boston, MA, June 17-21, 1996.
Neubauer RA, Gottlieb SF. Long-term anoxic encephalopathy: predictability of recovery. Proceedings of International Joint Meeting on Hyperbaric and Underwater Medicine, Milan, Italy, September 8, 1996.
Neubauer RA, James PB. Cerebral oxygenation and the recoverable brain. Neuro Res 20 (Suppl 1) S33-S36, 1998.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunct in strokes due to thrombosis. Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Symposium on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Gottingen. 77-80, 1998.
Neubauer RA. Hyperacute hyperbaric oxygen for CNS ischemia. Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Symposium on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Gottingen. 71-76, 1998.
Neubauer RA,Uszler JM, James PB. Hyperbaric oxygenation: the recoverable brain in certain pediatric patients. Proceedings of 8th International Child Neurology Congress, Ljubjana, Slovenia. 475-480, Sept 13-18, 1998.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygenation in cerebral palsy and the brain injured child. Proceedings of the 3rd European Paediatric Neurology Society, Nice, France: 283-289 Nov 7-10, 1999.
Neubauer RA. Enhancement of neurocal plasticity with high dose oxygen. Proceedings of Neuronal Plasticity: The Key to Stroke Recovery, Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada, Mar 19-22, 2000.
Neubauer RA. High dose oxygen enhances paediatric Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. Proceedings of International Meeting in Paediatric Neuromuscular Rehabilitation, Coimbra, Portugal, Mar 23-25, 2000.
Neubauer RA. High dose oxygen therapy for mental retardation and developmental delays in children with cerebral palsy. Proceedings of Mental retardation in childhood II, Lillehammer, Norway, Apr 6-8, 2000.
Neubauer RA. Supplemental high dose oxygen therapy facilitates neuro-rehabilitation. 7th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neurorehabilitation, San Diego, California, April 27-29, 2000.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygenation for cerebral palsy and the brain injured child. 24th Annual Williamsburg Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 2-4, 2000.
Fife WP, Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygenation for Lyme Vasculitis. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Malta, September 14-17, 2000.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygenation in acute stroke – 4 hour window. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Malta, September 14-17, 2000.
Neubauer RA. Sequential SPECT imaging / hyperbaric oxygenation in long-term neurologic deficits. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Malta, September 14-17, 2000.
Neubauer RA. High dose oxygen therapy in cerebral palsy and the brain injured child. 26th Annual Meeting of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Malta, September 14-17, 2000.
Neubauer RA. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment in integrative medicine. New Integrative Medicine Treatments for Cancer and Chronic Illnesses. Anaheim, California, November 11, 2000.
Neubauer RA. High dose oxygen therapy in stroke. 5th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 14-18, 2000.